The first in Engesvang at Silkeborg… the other in Egebjerg near Horsens… the third….
If you have a dream of a disc golf course in your local area, or do you know a club, a school, a municipality, or a sports centre that would like to start establishing a course, get in touch with us. We design and establish courses throughout the country, and from this year we have collaborated with Finnish Discmania on the design and distribution of the DiscGolfPark concept. This means top-class quality with baskets, tee signs and overview maps. We make the whole package from design, map drawing and establishment. You can see more on and on
We work to create discgolf courses that focus on safety and adaptation to the right skill levels. Safety is paramount on disc golf courses, as it is initially the normal users of the area who have the right off first refusal. That’s why we design courses that consider blind spots, poor overview conditions and place fairways away from paths and passages. It is important for us not to design a course that does not suit the target group that will use the track. Therefore, an initial conversation about the user conditions, as well as the ambitions for the track, is very important for our work.
We work professionally and seriously with our construction of courses and go fully into the projects that we initiate. Of course, we help with the financial overview, applications for funds and interviews with the municipality if necessary. We are ready to help you with your next project!
Our Course Designers
Mikael Birkelund
Jylland / Silkeborg
+45 51 92 40 93
Philip Ø. Kristoffersen
Jylland / Aarhus
+45 61 48 44 69
Martin Erichsen
Sjælland / København
+45 31 62 30 02