Personal Training

Disc golf coaching (up to 3 participants)

Do you need to shape up your disc golf play? Individual teaching might be just for you. We start up with an opening/introductory talk, to create a picture of your focus, to be able to achieve the ultimate results.

Bring two friends, and split the bill and the time; 950 DKK/hour.

Content/ Programme – 60 min.:

  • Short warm- up
  • Video recording of your play and present form
  • Teaching of your focus areas
  • Theoretical exercises, tricks and hints personalized for you
  • Video recordings of your progress, and analyze/feedback hereof
  • Prospectively tailored focus point for your disc golf play

Mikael Birkelund
Jylland / Silkeborg
+45 51 92 40 93

Philip Ø. Kristoffersen
Jylland / Aarhus
+45 61 48 44 69

Martin Erichsen
Sjælland / København
+45 31 62 30 02